I am not the state of
being alive or the five type of Vayu. Neither I am the seven elements
constituting the body (Dhatu) nor I am the five sheaths which invest
the soul. Neither I am voice, hand, or leg nor I am the portion at the
bottom of waist (anus or Linga). I am the eternal happiness or bliss
state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||2||
I am not the state of envy
and passion or the emotions of greed and attachment. Neither I am
intoxication nor I am the emotion of jealousy. And I am not even the
four Purushartha — Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. I am the eternal
happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||3||
I am not Punya (good
deed), Paap (Sin), Saukhya (friendship), or Dukha (Grief). Neither I
am chants (Mantra) or Shrine (Teertha) nor I am the Veda or the
sacrifice and oblation. Also, I am not the food, or the one that
should be eaten, or the eater. I am eternal happiness or bliss state,
I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||4||
Neither I am the fear of
death nor I am the difference between races. Neither I am [any
relation like] father, mother, nor I am born. Also, I am not a
relative, a friend, a teacher (Guru), or a student (Shisya). I am the
eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||5||
I am free from changes,
and lack all the qualities and form. I envelope all forms from all
sides and am beyond the sense-organs. I am always in the state of
equality — there is no liberation (Mukti) or captivity (Bandha). I am
the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv, I am Shiv.||6||