1 |
Sati Parvatyuvaca – |
Bhagava! devadevesa, Rahasya goraksaya me |
Bruhi yena bhaktim kuryat,
Sadhako goraksa
sivam ||1||
Sati Parvati said –
O Lord of Lords,
tell me the Goraksa Rahasyam (the hidden knowledge of Goraksa worship)
knowing which one may worship Goraksanath. |
2 |
Sri Siva uvaca – |
Srnu devi param gopyam, Kathayami susobhanam |
Rahasyam siddhidam saksad,
mahatmanah ||2||
Sri Siva
said –
Listen, O Devi, I
disclose to you the hidden knowledge about Goraksanath. This great
rahasyam is most hidden and is a bestower of siddhis (spiritual powers). |
3 |
Guru Goraksanathasya, Sadhane ye nirupitah |
Upaya nisfalah sarve,
Vina dhyanena
sarvatha ||3||
All means to worship
Guru Goraksanath fail to bring about the desired results unless one
practices dhyanayoga. |
4 |
Yo dhyanam sadhanam hitva, Upayam canyatha saryet |
Na sah siddhimavapnoti, Naro varsa satairapi ||4||
who intends to attain (results) without dhyanayoga sadhana cannot
success in hundreds of years. |
5 |
Svayam jyotishvarupoyam, Sunyalaro niranjanah |
Dasadiksu sada vyaptah,
Goraksah prathitah
Guru Goraksanathji
is jyotisvarupa (embodiment of light) sunyakara (formless) and niranjana
(absolutely pure). He pervades all the ten directions and is fames as
jati Goraksanath. |
6 |
Ahamevasmi gorakso, Madrupastannibhodhata |
Yogamarga pracarartham, Maya rupamidam dhrtam ||6||
I myself am
Goraksanath. He is my embodiment. I assumed his form to promote and
expand yogamarga (the path of yoga). |
7 |
Yasya sunyamayi mata, Yasya cavigatah pita |
Niranjano mahayogi,
Goraksah sarvada
guruh! ||7||
is born of sunya (Absolute Reality) and avigat (the Ever present) is his
father. He is mahayogi and niranjana. |
8 |
Rudraksamaladharah santah, Kundala prabhayanvitah |
Bhujanga mekhaladivya,
Jati goraksa
sobhanah ||8||
looks so graceful wearing a necklace of rudraksa, kundals and a divine
girdle of serpents. |
9 |
Gajasura-vimardi ca,Bhuta betala sobhitah |
Smasanaranyavasi,Karparalankrtah sivah ||9||
Guru Goraksanathji who destroyed Gajasura, lives in cremation grounds
with vaitalas and bhutas (spirits) and keeps roaming the jungles,
carrying a khappar (skull bowl). |
10 |
Jnanavantah dayavantah, Mama priya svarupajah |
Utpatti sthiti sam haraya,
Goraksaya Namo
Adesam ||10||
He is all knowing
and compassionate. He supervises the origin, sustenance and dissolution
of the world. He is my own beloved image. I bow down to him. |
11 |
Yatindram yogindram, Sakala vcasudhaya hitalaram |
Sada sevyam bhavya, Kalimala-daham sadhu sukhadam ||
Paramparam jyotirjam, Nibhrtaharam karanam param |
Bhajet tatrupam sruti kirtitam,
Natapadam gorakha
priyam ||11||
We worship him who is the lord of the yatis and yogis, most benevolent
to this earth, worthy of adoration by the great. He is the destroyer of
kalimal and provide joys to the sadhus.
He is the embodiment of param jyoti (Supreme Light), the cause of the
world, the liberator from birth and death whose praises have been sung
in the srutis (scriptures). |
12 |
Suresam yogisam, Nikhilajanatrayatapaharam |
Dayalim gopalam, Nijajanasada palane tatparam ||
Svabhaktebhyo yogam, Vitarati sadakastaharanaya |
Bhaje tam tatrupam srutikathitam,
Natapadam Gorakha
priyam ||12||
Lord of the gods and
lord of the yogis Guru Goraksanath removes all (three kinds) of pain. He
is full of compassion, tending cows and always providing for his
devotees. He dispenses yogavidhi (the way of yoga) to his bhaktas to
remove their miseries, we worship him whom the srutis praise. |
13 |
Brahma visnusca rudrasca, Maricyadya maharsayah |
Goraksam pranamanti tam, Sada sampanna manasam ||13||
The sublime-minded Goraksanathji is worshipped by Brahma, Visnu, Rudra
and rsis such as Marici. |
14 |
Mahayogi krpasindhu, Nanabharanaih bhusitam |
Dharmartha kamamoksanam,
Dataram tam
is mahayogi, ocean of compassion and is decked with diverse
embellishment. He is the bestower of dharma, artha,
kama and moksa. I bow down to him. |
15 |
Srnudevi pravaksyami, Goraksa mamtramuttamam |
Yens mamtra prabhavena, Jatijapa subhobhavet ||15||
Listen, O Devi, I
tell you the mantra (mystic formula) of Goraksanath. The worship of jati
Goraksanath will bear fruit by virtue of the recitation of this mantra. |
16 |
Anena mamtrajapena, Goraksa darsanam labhet |
Atiguhyataram devi, Devanamapi durlabham ||16||
The chanting of this mantra ensures the darsan of Goraksanath. This
rahasyam is most hidden and is concealed even from gods and goddesses. |
17 |
Gopaniya prayatnena, Svayoniriva parvati |
Maranam mohanam vasyam,
18 |
Pathamatrena samsiddhayet,
stotramuttamam ||18||
Paravti, keep it hidden like your own yoni. The chanting of the Goraksa
Rahasyam bestows success in attaining maran (destruction of lust,
anger), mohan (attaining the attention of the ist) vasikaran (enhancing
the mind), stambhan (weaning the senses away from low enjoyments) and
uccatan (carving for moksa) ||17|| ||18|| |
Om hrim srim gom, Goraksanathaya vidmahe
Sunya putraya dhimahi tanno, Gorakasa niranjanah pracodayat |
Mantra |
Om hrim srim gom, Hum phat svaha
Om hrim
srim gom, Goraksa hum phat svaha
Om hrim srim gom goraksa, Niranjanatmane hum phat svaha
OR |
Om Siva
Goraksa Yogi
Note : it is not
essential or even desirable to know the meaning of the bijas (letters)
contained in the mantra given above. The knowledge of their meaning is
impossible to attain. This is enough to chant them devoutly. |
19 |
Evam dhyatva japitva ca, Sadhakah suddha-manasah |
Sadhayet sarva karyani,
Natra karyavicarana
Those who devoutly meditate and chant
this mantra with pure mind attain what they desire. This is beyond
doubt. |
20 |
Yo dharayennaro nityam, Mantrajam visesatah |
Sa yogasiddhimapnoti,
Those who adopt this mantra after receiving initiation in the recitation
from a satguru attain yogasiddhi (perfection in yoga). |
21 |
Namaste rudra rupaya, Sadesam satrumardinam |
Namah jati mahayogi, Sadesam atmadarsanam ||21||
I bow down to Rudra
incarnate Goraksanathji, the vanquisher of all enemies. I bow down to
the mahajati and mahayogi. I bow down to the one who is atmadarsani
(self-knower). |
22 |
Namaste vighnahartaya,
Kama krodhadi nasine |
Jagratam hi mahayogi, Japa-siddhi kurusva me
bow down to the vighnaharta (remover of obstacles), to the one who
destroys kama (lust) and krodha (anger). O Mahayogi, awaken my japa and
make it accomplished. |
23 |
Omkara srstirupaya, Hrimkara pratipalane |
Srimkara vardayakaya, Gomkara yoga rupine ||23||
Goraksanathji), you are the whole creation in the form of omkar; in the
form of hrimkar you foster the world; in the form; in the form of
srinkar you are a bestower of boons and in the form of gomkar you are
yoga embodiment (controller of all senses). |
24 |
Goraksa goraksaya, Bija rupam namostute
Vidmahe cabhayadaya,
Nityadesa mantra
rupine ||24||
Goraksa you protect the cow, the bull, the earth, speech, yajna and you
are the seed (origin) of the whole world. I bow down to you. As vidmahe
you offer abhaya (assurance of protection from fear). |
25 |
Sunsa – santi – rupaya, Sunya-putraya Adesam |
Dhimahi tu jnana rupaya, Tanno rupaya nathasya ||25|
sunsa you bestow peace. O Born of Sunya, (Absolute Entity) I bow to you.
As dhimahi you are knowledge and as tanno you are the nath (Lord). |
26 |
Niranjano, nirakara, Goraksa niranjanatmane |
Hum hum humkara rupaya,
Jamjam jati
goraksasya ||26||
hum hum you are a roar, as jan jan you are in the form of jati Goraksa.
You are niranjana, nirakara and niranjana atmasvarupa (pure self-image). |
27 |
Bhram bhrim bhrum, Bhairavanathaya moksa muktidayakam |
Dham dhim dhum dharm nathaya, Mahanatho namo namah ||27||
the from of bhram bhrim bhrum you are Bhairavanath. In the form of dham
dhim dhum you are lord of dharma, Dharmanath. O Mahanath, you are the
bestower of moksa. I bow down to you again and again. |
28 |
Sam sim sum sarvamganathaya, Mahasiddham namoadesam |
Kam kim kum kalesvaraya, Mahakala kalarupaya ||28||
the form of sam sim sum you are Sarvanganath and in the form of kam kim
kum you are Kalesvar. As kala (time) you are mahakala (Eternity). O
Mahasiddha, I bow down to you. |
29 |
Lam lim lum ca lala gvalaya, Mahayogi yoga lilaya |
Vam vim vum vighnanasaya,
Vimalanatho namo
namah ||29||
the form of lam lim lum you are Lalagvalanath and as mahayogi you
perform lila (acts of divine sport); as vam vim vum you are the
destroyer of difficulties. O Vimalnathji, I bow down to you. |
30 |
Gom gim gum guru goraksaya, Sarvatra roga nasaya |
Jum sah mrtyunjaya ca,
Mahakala namo namah
In the form of gam
gim gum you are Goraksanath who is the remover of all maladies. In the
form of jun sah you are mrtyunjaya (vanquisher of death) and mahakala. I
bow down to you. |
31 |
Khaddarsan goraksaya kham, Khim khum khecari tatha |
Ram rim rum rahasya natha, Mantra siddhi kurusva me ||31||
In the form of kham
khim khum you are khecari (mover in the sky or one who assumes the
mudra{aspect} of the Ultimate Being). You are khaddarsani (who has seen
(realized) all six cakras through kundaliniyoga). Bestow on me, in the
form of ram rim rum the siddhi (accomplishment) of this mantra. |
32 |
Idam goraksa rahasya, Mantro jagarati tava hetave |
Abhakte naiva datavyam, Gopitam raksa parvati ||32||
This is the Goraksa Rahasyam mantra with which accomplishment may be
attained. O Parvati, keep it hidden from those who do not have faith and
devotion. |
33 |
Patha matrena mantrana, Mucyate sarva kilvisaih ||33||
who chants the mantra of Goraksa Rahasyam is freed from responsibility
of the gravest sins committed by him. |
34 |
Rahasyam dhyana muttamam, Guhyad guhyataram mahat |
Tasmat sarva prayatnena,
have made all efforts to reveal to you the most hidden Goraksa Rahasyam,
which bestows (on one) all desired rewards. |
35 |
Natharahasya prasadena tvam, Sarvamanyo bhavisyasi |
Sarv rupamayo nathah sarva,
Nathamayam jagat
Being a recipient of Guru Goraksanath’s grace you would be respected by
all. Sri Guru Goraksa is every form in this world and the whole world is
in him. |
36 |
Visvarupam param yogi,
Atoham adesam kuru ||36||
bow down to the Paramyogi Visvarupa Goraksanathji. |