Theme of Upanishads
Sri Shankaracharya and some of his modern
followers take Monism or Atmaikya, and Absolutism or
nirguNa-brahmavaada to be the central theme of Upanishads.
Consequently, Idealism or the world being merely a projection, which is
unreal, is also taken to be a tenet of the Upanishads. Thus upaasanaa
(worship) and bhakti (devotion) are relegated to a secondary
position, being needed only up to a point in the spiritual evolution of
the soul. Liberation, the final goal of spiritual development becomes
less attractive, as the seeker loses his own identity in his merger with
the Absolute. The entire process of Creation delineated with such great
care in the Upanishads is reduced to a mere illusion. Texts describing
Brahman, the Supreme Being, as sarvaj~na (all knowing),
sarva-shaktimaan (All Powerful) are also relegated to be
descriptions of Ishwara or the Saguna Brahman, who is also a product of
the universal Avidya, while Brahman is actually nirguNa or
without any attributes in absolute reality. Some of the richest material
in the Upanishads delineating the glory of God, the process of creation,
prescribing different methods of upaasanaa, Eschatology,
recommending meditation, devotion etc. have to be relegated to a
secondary position, as they are essentially dealing with the
machinations of the unreal Avidya, which vanishes into "nothing," when
the soul is liberated and discovers its identity with the formless and
attributeless Brahman. In other words, much of Upanishadic texts are
worthless and untrue in the domain of the final reality. On the other
hand, a few passages are elevated to decisive importance, as they can be
interpreted, in a limited sense, to convey Monism. Anyone who has an
acquaintance with the deep and mystical atmosphere conjured up by the
Upanishads can not accept this position. The central theme of the
Upanishads is not Monism but Monotheism, the concept of an all
pervasive, immanent supreme being. He is not nirguNa (attributeless),
but is guNaparipuurNa -- full of all possible auspicious
qualities. The very word brahma indicates this basic
delineation of the Supreme Lord. Such a theme brings all the rest of the
passages in the Upanishads into proper focus and makes them fully
meaningful and essential for the aspirant. All of them will contribute
in one way or the other to the development of this central theme and
none of them will look secondary or suprefluous. In the larger context
of the Vedanta, as a whole, the Vedas, Brahmana-s, Aranyakas, Upanishads
and the great Epics which include the other Prasthaana texts -- Bhagavad
Gita and the Brahma Sutra are woven into a glorious tapestry of
the indescribable but realizable, fathomless but understandable glory of
the Supreme Person, who has been extolled by great devotees in all
Bhakti compositions. The artificial concept of two Brahmans, Saguna and
Nirguna simultaneously existing, though totally different in essence,
created by Monism to explain away the wealth of texts describing the
glory of the Lord is done away with, with a simple explanation of
nirguNa being One who completely transcends the three guNa-s
-- sattva, rajas and tamas
constituting prak.rti, which is responsible for the world as we
know it. |